The Teachers “Love” Jan Brett…

and we want the community tolove” her illustrations and stories, too! We enjoyed sharing this month’s favourite Jan Brett story, The Easter Egg, with a captive audience at our local book store, Chapters!  The children were enchanted by dear Hoppi and shared their connections to the Easter Bunny!  “Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!”  Adorable Hoppi stick puppets with white pom pom cotton tails were carefully coloured and crafted, delighting our young audience and their parents!  Of course, we encouraged the parents to support our school’s quest to host beloved author/illustrator, Jan Brett!  We were thrilled to see some of our “friends” from school attend this literacy opportunity.  Thank you to all for your amazing support!  A very special thank you to Chapters bookstore and their amazing staff for providing this partnership opportunity, supporting our educational community!  We are grateful. – Please continue to “vote” for our school as we really want to win an opportunity to host a school literacy event with our beloved author/illustrator, Jan Brett.   You will need to enter the school’s name, City, and Postal Code.  Thank you!