Come Sit Under the Apple Tree

Apple TreeHere is another “cute” apple tree idea for your darlings!  


Have the child trace their forearm and hand onto brown construction paper.  Spread the fingers wide as the fingers become the branches of the apple tree.  Cut out the traced hand/forearm.   Glue this piece onto a piece of white paper.  Add tissue paper green leaves.  Using a Bingo Dabber, let the child dab on “apples.”  I chose to use a red dabber for this activity, however, you could use any colour you wish!  You could even use a crayon to draw and colour the apples.


Leaf Man

The Leafman- Lois Ehlert
“Do you know where the Leafman goes when the wind blows?”

by Lois Ehlert is the lovely tale of a leaf’s journey about the land.  When you pick up a leaf do you ever imagine where it’s come from, where it’s going to?  Leaf Man allows children to imagine and visualize the journeys of a beautiful autumn leaf.  The language is poetic and the illustrations/photographs, evocative!

“Where does a Leaf Man go when the wind blows?  Do you know?”

Extension Activities

• take an autumn walk and observe the leaves, collect a sampling of leaves

• sort the leaves by attributes- ie: colour, edges, shape

• create a leaf rubbing- place a paper over the leaf, rub over the leaf with crayons

• have an adult press the leaves between two pieces of wax paper, iron on a low setting, trim the edges, and hang the leaf banner

“Boo to You…”

by renowned children’s author, Lois Ehlert, is the perfect Fall book to read to your class.  Simple, yet humorous text, captures children’s attention.  Pay attention to the delightful paper art.   “We can do this, too!” I suggest reading this book and using the illustrations as a “springboard” to inspire creative artwork from your little learners.  Note that children can just “tear” the paper into interesting shapes; they do not need to use scissors to cut with.  “Watch out for the creep we didn’t invite!”

An extension activity–  Have the children complete a simple sentence frame to complete their paper artwork.

Boo to __________!

-the black cat

-the floating ghost

-the orange pumpkin, etc.

Welcome Fall!

Beautiful Autumn Leaves- photographed by INABA Tomoaki

It is officially Autumn!  Have you noticed any squirrels scampering about the grass?  Are the leaves turning their golden shades of red, orange, yellow, and green?  Found any chestnuts?  Autumn is my favourite season of all!  I love, love, love the cool breezes and crisp morning air!  The colours are bedazzling!  Soon I will be enchanted by the  magical pumpkins, ghosts, and good little witches.  Are you excited that Autumn has finally arrived?

The leaves are falling

down, down, down,

Red, Yellow, Green, and Brown.

Rake them up in a pile so high

Until they reach up to the sky!